Friday, September 19, 2008

Adoption day, here we come!

Yesterday I received the best call I could ask for.  After a very challenging day at work I decided to come home and take the baby for a long walk.  We bought her a jogging stroller with the money from the birthday.  It's awesome.  I love it.  Just as I was opening the front door, I heard the phone ring.  It was Jackie from the lawyer's office.  She told me that they had a court date.  I was expecting it to be sometime in November or December.  When she said October 7th, I started jumping up and down.  Eva started to clap, it was so cute.  

1 comment:

Pauly said...

Aloha Jeff and Mia,

Congrats on the adoption! Nice pictures on your blog Mia. Hope all is well.
