Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Eva turned 18 months on the 1st. I thought I would post some of the things she is saying in her very own Eva'ease'.

"Uh-huh"-Anytime you ask her a question like "Do you want to go to the park? 'Uh-hu'"
"Didi"-Titi (Our daycare lady's daughter's nickname"
"Doey"-Zoey (little baby at daycare)
"Ayan"- Ryan (friend at daycare)
"Momma"-only when she's really upset and wants me
"tsss"- a sound she uses when pointing to something that she wants

Baby signs she knows:

Want more
all done
Play (just started doing this one)
Taps top of head if she wants your sunglasses or hat

She loves books. She plays with her books, looking at the pictures and pointing more than anything else. She loves to play outside and walk, and walk and walk. She's very independant and likes to roam free. I love seeing her grow and develop.

She is soooo affectionate. She gives so many kisses and hugs. She's my sweet pea and I love her.


Star Char said...

What a sweet girl! :-) And congrats on your new venture with the photography. You have natural talent.

Sarah said...

I love that age! I miss ya....let's get together soon...

Branka Marceta said...

It so funny. Adela has a somewhat similar vocabulary... ti-ti works for both dogs and cats. tseee is a very frequent sound she uses... and she's got a unique one, I guess, ...."doddle", that she uses when she's in a good mood.